Why You Won’t Recover from Long Covid and CFS by ‘Resting and Pacing’

Why You Won’t Recover from Long Covid and CFS by ‘Resting and Pacing’

Published on: 22/10/2024

Its a common message provided by doctors, charities and medical institutions that the only option for people suffering from CFS and Long Covid is to rest and pace, but it isn't true and actually prevents people from recovering.

Nervous System Regulation
How Regulating My Nervous System Enabled me to Recover From Long Covid

How Regulating My Nervous System Enabled me to Recover From Long Covid

Published on: 16/09/2024

Sharing how I discovered nervous system regulation, getting my head around it and how I recovered

SomaticVagal ToningNervous System Regulation
Why a Holistic Approach is Key to Healing Your Chronic Symptoms

Why a Holistic Approach is Key to Healing Your Chronic Symptoms

Published on: 09/09/2024

Discover why focusing on only one healing technique could limit your recovery from your chronic illness and symptoms.

SomaticVagal ToningNervous System Regulation


Discover why your nervous system is the cause of your chronic condition

Deep dive into the root cause of your chronic condition.

Plus, learn four powerful techniques to begin your self-healing journey today.

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